#53 — May 9, 2019 |
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MongoDB’s Official 'Brew Tap' Now Open And Flowing for Easier MongoDB Installations on macOS — There’s a new way to install MongoDB on Mac systems in the shape of an official ‘tap’ for Homebrew, the popular macOS package manager heavily used by developers. If you’re on macOS, you’ll want to check this out. Dj Walker-Morgan |
Take on Eliot’s Weekly MongoDB World Challenge — Want to turn your MongoDB skills into prizes? MongoDB’s CTO, Eliot Horowitz, has launched a new series of weekly challenges. The first challenge was all about working with aggregations upon a dataset of fallen meteorites. The second challenge is coming up, and tasks you with charting a sample dataset. Eliot Horowitz |
Building an Serverless E-Commerce System on Now — A neat look at bringing together a whole bunch of technologies (Node, Next.js, MongoDB Atlas, Passport) to create a simple serverless e-commerce system for ZEIT’s Now serverless platform. ZEIT |
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Building with Patterns: A Summary of a Great Series — Starting four months ago with a look at the polymorphic pattern, Daniel and Ken have now concluded their series with a summary of all the patterns they’ve covered. If you’re responsible for building data models and schemas, you need this. Daniel Coupal and Ken W. Alger |
Jess West Joining MongoDB, Inc. as Head of DevRel — Jess West, formerly of Algolia (the search API company), is joining MongoDB as head of developer relations in the Americas, and here she reflects on how her life has taken her to this point. I imagine we’ll be seeing a lot more of Jess in this newsletter over time :-) Jessica West |
📖 Tutorials |
Working with MongoDB Change Streams in Python — How to put PyMongo to work handing change streams, a useful feature available in MongoDB 3.6+ for being able to be immediately notified about changes to a collection. Naomi Pentrel |
Data Migrations with Go and MongoDB — In this case, migrations are the command line created files that can be UP’ed or DOWN’ed to move data or alter schema. Elton Minetto |
▶ Using 'Clean Architecture' for Microservice APIs with MongoDB and Express — Clean Architecture is a software development model conceptualized by ‘Uncle Bob’ Martin. Dev Mastery |
The Path to Repeatable MongoDB Performance Tests: How CPU Options Are Best Off Disabled — A great post from the MongoDB Engineering Journal looking at recent efforts to improve the repeatability of MongoDB performance tests being run on EC2 instances. In short, there are a variety of CPU options that can make tests ‘noisier’, so turn them off if you want to do direct comparisons. Henrik Ingo |
🔧 Code and Libraries |
Mongo Seeding: A Tool to Populate MongoDB Databases — Define data in JSON or JavaScript then populate a database using a JavaScript library, CLI tool, or Docker image. Aimed at testing or setting up initial state for an app. Paweł Kosiec |
rest-hapi: A RESTful API Generator for Node.js — If you want to quickly create a RESTful API based upon a MongoDB database, this could be for you. You define ‘models’ as Mongoose schemas and rest-hapi then handles all the boring parts. Justin Headley |
mongodb-cron: Schedule Tasks with MongoDB Collections — “Any collection can be converted into a job queue or crontab list.” Written in TypeScript. Kristijan Sedlak |
🗓 Events |
Chicago MongoDB User Group Meetup – Chicago (May 16) — Join MongoDB and the Chicago HTML5 meetup group for a joint meetup focusing on MongoDB's serverless platform, MongoDB Stitch. |
A Day of Cloud and Microservices with MongoDB and AO.com – London, UK (May 23) — Learn how cloud and microservices can help you deliver a 'superhero advantage' in a joint day of talks with MongoDB and AO.com, one of Europe's leading electronic retailers. |
MongoDB World 2019 – NYC, USA (June 17-19) — Three days of learning, networking and building and you'll get to hear about what's next for MongoDB. |