#47 — January 17, 2019

Read on the Web

MongoDB Weekly

Awesome MongoDB: A Curated Set of MongoDB Resources — This curated list of handy resources has grown significantly in the past year, now with over 140 items.

Guillaume Gelin

What's The Deal with Non-Relational Databases and Agile Software Development?“After doing some digging, I discovered the underlying database can actually make a massive impact on how agile your team is. In this post, I’ll focus on two of the Agile Manifesto tenets.”

Lauren Schaefer

Five Minute MongoDB: MongoDB Atlas Global Clusters — MongoDB’s hosted Atlas platform has support for global clusters which enable you to distribute data all around the world in order to be closer to your app's users.


AWS Gives Open Source The Middle Finger — AWS launched DocumentDB last week, a new database offering that is compatible with the MongoDB API. MongoDB co-founder and CTO Eliot Horowitz said: “AWS has been pushed to offer an imitation MongoDB service that is based on the MongoDB code from two years ago.”

Frederic Lardinois

What's New in Mongoose 5.4: Model Events and Populate Count — If you’re using MongoDB with Node.js, you should probably be using Mongoose, it’s a great way to model your app’s data.

Valeri Karpov

Mongo-ES: A MongoDB to Elasticsearch Connector


🗓 Events

MongoDB Atlas Workshop –  Toronto (January 30) — A free day of hands-on training to help you/your team use MongoDB Atlas.

MongoDB.local Dallas – Irving (February 12) — A full day of deep-dive technical sessions, one-on-one consulting with MongoDB experts and more.